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The tsrct doc specification

The tsrct doc is the foundational construct of tsrct, it is the means by which all information is transacted on the platform.

The tsrct doc is a plain text document that encodes information in base64 and has 3 sections separated by a .

The format of a tsrct doc is header.body.signature

  • The header is a base64 encoded JSON object with defined fields
  • The body is base64 encoded content which is the actual content being digitally signed; it can be of any type (binary or text), and the base64 encoding is used to manage it as text
  • The signature is a base64 encoded byte string that represents the private key signed signature of the header.body combination


a bit of information is represented as an immutable url:

the above is an example of a tsrct doc used to transmit a bit of signed plain text is as follows:


note: the example above has a 72 column width only for readability; actual tsrct docs do not have line breaks and will throw and error if line breaks are included

The header in the above sample is:


when decoded, it provides the following JSON:

  "typ": "text",
  "cty": "text/plain",
  "cls": "bit",
  "atm": "8P7D8JWQK2LSD189",
  "its": "2021-04-06T12:44:12Z",
  "rid": "bit-1",
  "key": "8P7D8JWQK2LSD189/colsc5zc6gzqtx4qdbmbegfvzdu4pyyn",
  "sig": "Sd6ATvKj2RWN2ve2DIDnhS5S5yVr9f3dUbNUlMASPFwHsshCB4oQGptLpmq0o5qpAHZmdPsP8DQExoG38B3yEibFupOldfpQTLsBUFd_BIlzwzJBcoSRjZkYF8coNnOdDEZWEe0tQBNDi38gLJuGyBTi3vCNFt-oigMne-vb4ZRv0WPbQFldGW-N75JykdzRqS3Bd7ETlTD7BGrL3g5_0jv7uRExsbMSTjm-QLi3RsnKE2Ss_5o-oUYbdjAf_mMIIQOLtKBtYDBcb0C7I6j9kVUZEnGb7OTNWLln1RYfE-l8bQJsvOCIbv9U6X2OpKMFQ4ALZuCx73Aj8ij-l90jNQ==",
  "nce": 1617713052,
  "dsc": "the first bit",
  "alg": "SHA256withRSA",
  "sha": "gDZs-LXzdP8QB_oTfMMPCtDIv8cRZ2xix0GcwyDtH8c"

note: the above JSON is pretty printed; the actual JSON does not have any line breaks or non-significant spaces

The header is a JSON document with a set of defined fields that have a specific purpose. Headers vary by the type of artifact being represented (atom, bit, key, or grant).

common header fields

The common header fields across all header types are:

  • cls: (required, unindexed) the ‘class’ of the document, legal values are: atm for atom, bit for bit, key for key
  • atm: (required, indexed) the id of the atom that has issued this document
  • its: (required, indexed) the issue timestamp of the document
  • key: (required, unindexed) the key id that has been used to sign this document
  • sig: (required, unindexed) the private key signature of the base64 encoded body of the document
  • nce: (required, unindexed) the nonce of this document, which is the unix seconds since epoch, especially important if the document is to be presented to the tsrct cloud to record as a bit, or as part of a grant process
  • alg: (required, unindexed) the algorithm of the hash and signature, currently always set to exactly SHA256withRSA
  • sha: (required, unindexed) the sha256 hash of the base64 encoded body of the tsrct document

Only indexed fields can be queried. Depending on the value of the cls field, various other fields can be populated, shown below

atom header extra fields

If cls is atm (i.e. the header is for a tsrct doc indicating an atom), the following extra fields are allowed in addition to the common fields above:

bit header extra fields

If cls is bit (i.e. the header is for a tsrct doc indicating a bit), the following extra fields are allowed in addition to the common fields above:

  • cid: (optional, indexed) correlation id
  • typ: (required, indexed) when a document is of cls bit, the type of bit is indicated by this field, legal values are:
    • blob: the body is a binary object like an image or a pdf document
    • data: the body is text (like a csv) but represents a structured set of data conforming to a schema
    • json: the body is a json document
    • link: the body is a json document that points to a web link; this json document must conform to a specific schema shown here (todo: show json schema)
    • text: the body is plain text, like xml, or json, or yaml
  • geo: (optional, unindexed) geo point with the following format:
  • cty: (required, unindexed) the content type of the body is indicated by this field
  • scm: (optional, unindexed) schema of the content, if applicable; this a url pointing to a schema definition, such as a schema link
  • mtd: (optional, unindexed) any arbitrary metadata in key value pairs in a JSON object

key header extra fields

If cls is key (i.e. the header is for a tsrct doc indicating a public key), the following extra fields are allowed in addition to the common fields above:


The body in the above example is:


when decoded, the body translates to:

this is a signed message


The signature in the above ea

Other examples

//todo: links from the site with various atoms, bits and keys

tsrct doc creation

tsrct doc validation

Thinking about the document

see more in the different use cases