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tsrct command line interface

The tsrct cli is a command line utility for enterprise (org) admin users to manage their interaction with the tsrct api.

End users (usr) interact with tsrct exclusively through the mobile app, even users who are attached to an enterprise.

This section is for org admins who are carrying out various tasks such as onboarding a domain or issuing DDX records.



Top level commands

The following are the top level commands. You can always type tsrct --help to get the latest set of commands available.

  • dl: download, verify, and extract tdocs from tsrct or other urls
  • domain: domain related operations for an organization
  • sha: lookup or publish to sha registry
  • swap: swap one body for another
  • tdoc: manage tdoc operations
  • uid: uid related commands

dl command

domain command

sha command

swap command

tdoc command

uid command